Policy 訂房須知

  • 每年10月01日00:00,開放隔年01月至06月訂房

Every year at 00:00 on October 1st, open for Book A Room from January to June of the following year

  • 每年04月01日00:00,開放當年07月至2月訂房

Every year at 00:00 on April 1st, Book A Room are open from July to February of that year

  • 僅 接 待 一 組 旅 人 , 與 主 人 同 住

“Live with us“, only one group of guests, Pets are allowed in the room

  • 入住 / 退房 : 民宿有彈性的入住及退房時間,與米媽討論即可。

MIRAMONTI have flexible check-in and check-out times, just discuss it with Mi-ma.

  • 住宿人數:最少1人,最多10人

At least one person, maximum ten persons for the rooms

  • 提供手工早餐(米爸料理創作 / 米媽發酵食物)

Includes breakfast (Mi-pa Cuisine Creation / Mi-ma Fermented Food)

  • 全房型不提供加床服務

All room types DO NOT provide extra bed service

  • 禁止在客房內吸煙

No smoking in the guest room

  • 為響應國際推動SDGs永續旅行,一同為人類綠色環境保護盡一份心力 。民宿提供綠色認證沐浴乳、洗髮精、洗手乳。敬請旅人自備個人盥洗用品:浴巾、牙膏、牙刷

Response to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), Sustainable travel and contribute to the protection of the human green environment. B&B provides green certified Baby wash/Shampoo/ Hand soap. Please bring your own personal toiletries: Bath Towels, Toothpaste, Toothbrush

  • 每房提供 DaisyCode 沐浴油&潔膚露,退房帶離民宿 均視同購買,恕不接受寄回

Do not take away DaisyCode Shower Oil and Cleanser from B&B. If you take it out, please pay to buy it, we DO NOT ACCEPT mail delivery

  • 每房僅提供 王瑪琪 石墨烯 黑面膜 / 1片,如需購買洽米媽。

Room gift “Graphene Black Facial Mask / 1 piece

  • 到宅按摩服務,請住宿前三日預約,當日取消不退訂

Home massage service, please make an appointment three days before your stay, cancellation on the day will not be canceled

  • 花蓮小黑蚊尚未有根治方法,建議穿著 長袖、長褲。民宿提供旅人100%天然植萃成分的防蚊液

There is currently no treatment for Forcipomyia taiwana. We recommend wearing long sleeves and long pants. 100% natural plant-derived mosquito repellent will also be provided for travelers.

  • 牧場生活體驗,可感受到大自然生態系統的運作。這裡有各類蚊蟲、清晨會聽到雞鳴鳥叫聲,夜晚能聽見青蛙交響曲。鄉間小路沒有路燈,但星星和月亮會幫你照亮方向

Ranch life experience, you can feel the operation of the natural ecosystem. There are all kinds of mosquitoes here, chickens and birds can be heard in the morning, and the frog symphony can be heard at night. There are no street lights on the country road, but the stars and the moon will help you illuminate the direction.

  • 寵物可進房住宿,勿上床

友善是互相,請務必遵守:寵物不上床 / 勿在室內便溺 / 禁止在浴室梳洗寵物 / 請攜帶禮貌帶

Pets age accepted in room, but “NOT ALLOWED“ on guest beds

Friendiness is mutual, please be sure – DO NOT defecate indoors / DO NOT wash up in the bathroom / please bring pet diapers

  • 任何年齡小孩皆可住宿,提供嬰兒月亮浴盆

友善是互相,請務必遵守:勿破壞古董老件 / 室內與戶外 請家長陪同安全 / 勿丟石頭到水池

Accommodates children of all ages, we offer baby tubs.

Friendiness is mutual, please be sure – DO NOT destroy antiques / DO NOT throw stones into the pool / Indoors and outdoors Please be accompanied by parents for safety

  • 住宿期間:提供Free WiFi,居家辦公室 、洗衣間、廚房、影音娛樂區、星空陽台、BBQ燒烤架(不提供代烤服務)

During in B&B:
We provide Free WiFi / Home Office / Laundry Room / Kitchen / Audio-Vsual Entertainment Area / Sky Bar / BBQ Grill (No grilling service)

  • 第一次與牧場動物相見,請等待米媽相互介紹認識。禁止用手戳動物,為了動物健康,勿餵食

This is the first time you meet a ranch animal, please wait for Mi-ma to introduce each other. Please DO NOT poke the animals with your fingers and don’t feed them for their health


2nd night, 10% off


3rd night, 15% off


4th night, 20% off


5th to 7th night, 30% off

  • 當日住宿勿更改房型

DO NOT change the room type on the same day.

  • 如遇天災如颱風、地震導致交通中斷無法前往,或是若純屬個人抗壓考量僅延期不退訂

In case of natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes that cause traffic interruptions and make it impossible to go or for purely personal reasons.

B&B only provides extended accommodation and NO REFUND

  • 訂金保留,一年內一次為限


Deposit reservation, limited to one time within one year

In case of natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes, the traffic is interrupted and it is impossible to go there. Subject to the government’s official announcement on the day

  • 訂金保留,半年內一次為限


Deposit reservation, limited to once within half a year

If it is personal pressure, consider postponing your stay.On holidays and major holidays, the date of stay cannot be specified.
Please understand that MIRAMONTI B&B has the right to confiscate the deposit.

  • 訂 房 者 如 不 適 合 住 宿 , 米 拉 夢 地 民 宿 有 權 拒 絕 接 待

“MIRAMONTI B&B has the right to refuse to accept the reservation if it is not suitable for occupancy”







I believe that half of the difference between MIRAMONTI run by me and other B&B is due to:

“My style of life has been internalized in the house,

this land makes me who I am now and in the future,

And my insistence on aesthetic life, and the most pure trust between people.

In the end, I will use my last breath to manage MIRAMONTI until the end of my life.

Rest in peace in this land, be a part of this land.
