Policy 訂房須知

  • 每年10月01日00:00,開放隔年01月至06月訂房

Starting at 00:00 on October 1st each year, bookings for January to June of the following year are open.

  • 每年04月01日00:00,開放當年07月至12月訂房

Starting at 00:00 on April 1st each year, bookings for July to December of the same year are open.

  • 僅 接 待 一 組 旅 人 , 與 主 人 同 住

Only one group of guests is accommodated, sharing the home with the host.

  • 入住 / 退房 : 民宿有彈性的入住及退房時間,訂房討論即可

Check-in / Check-out: The guesthouse offers flexible check-in and check-out times. Please discuss when booking.

  • 民宿接待人數:最少1人住宿,最多7人入住

Accommodation Capacity: Minimum 1 person, Maximum 7 people.

  • 提供手工早餐(在地食材 / 發酵食物 / 酸種麵包)

We offer artisanal breakfast (local ingredients / fermented foods / sourdough bread)

  • 全房型不提供加床服務

Extra beds are not available for any room type

  • 禁止在客房內吸煙

Smoking is prohibited in all guest rooms

  • 響應永續旅遊,為綠色環境保護盡一份心力 。民宿提供填充罐裝沐浴乳、洗髮精、洗手乳。請旅人自備個人盥洗用品:浴巾、牙膏、牙刷

We support sustainable tourism by providing refillable shower amenities. Guests are kindly asked to bring their own towels, toothpaste, and toothbrushes

  • 每間客房提供台灣品牌 DaisyCode 沐浴油和潔膚露供住客使用。但退房時帶離民宿,並視同購買。因此,請留意,我們無法接受寄回以帶離民宿的產品

Each room offers DaisyCode shower oil and cleanser by Taiwan brand DaisyCode for guests. Taking them upon check-out counts as a purchase, and returns are not accepted

  • 每房僅提供 王瑪琪 石墨烯 黑面膜 / 1片,如需加購,請在訂房時告知

Each room provides one graphene black mask. If additional masks are needed, please inform us when booking

  • 到宅按摩服務,請住宿前三日預約,當日取消不退訂

In-room massage service is available. Please book at least three days in advance of your stay. Same-day cancellations will not be refunded

  • 花蓮小黑蚊尚未有根治方法,建議穿著 長袖、長褲。民宿提供天然植萃成分的防蚊液

Hualien sandflies persist, so we advise wearing long sleeves and pants. We offer natural mosquito repellent

  • 牧場生活旅行,可感受到大自然生態系統的運作。這裡有各類蚊蟲、清晨會聽到雞鳴鳥叫聲,夜晚能聽見青蛙交響曲。鄉間小路沒有路燈,但星星和月亮會幫你照亮方向

Experience farm life and the natural ecosystem: encounter insects, wake up to roosters and birds, and enjoy frog symphonies at night. Our rural paths are unlit, but guided by stars and moonlight

  • 歡迎攜帶寵物入住,但請勿上床。請注意以下規定:寵物不得上床、不得便溺室內、禁止在浴室梳洗寵物,並攜帶禮貌帶

Pets are welcome, but kindly refrain from allowing them on the beds, toileting indoors, or grooming them in the bathroom. Please bring a leash and be courteous to other guests

  • 歡迎所有年齡的小孩入住,我們提供嬰兒月亮浴盆。請遵守以下規定:勿破壞古董老件,請家長陪同小孩室內與戶外以確保安全,勿丟石頭到水池。

Children of all ages are welcome. We provide a baby moon bathtub. Please ensure parental supervision indoors and outdoors for safety and refrain from damaging antique items or throwing stones into the pond

  • 住宿期間:提供Free WiFi,居家辦公室 、洗衣間、廚房、影音娛樂區、星空陽台、BBQ燒烤架(不提供代烤服務)

During your stay, we offer free WiFi and access to a home office, laundry room, kitchen, entertainment area, stargazing balcony, and BBQ grill (self-service)

  • 首次與牧場動物相見,請等待米媽介紹讓彼此認識。為了動物的健康,請勿用手戳動物或餵食

For your first encounter with our farm animals, wait for MIRAMONTI-mama introduction for mutual acquaintance. Please avoid poking or feeding them by hand for their health.


10% off for the second night of your stay


15% off for the third night of your stay


20% off for the fourth night of your stay


30% off for the fifth to seventh nights of your stay

  • 當日住宿勿更改房型

No room type changes on the day of accommodation

  • 若遇天災如颱風、地震導致交通中斷無法前往,或是純屬個人抗壓考量僅延期不退訂,我們將協助您安排延期入住。

If natural disasters like typhoons or earthquakes disrupt travel, or for personal reasons, we’ll assist in rescheduling your stay instead of canceling.

  • 訂金保留,一年內一次為限


Deposit retained, limited to rescheduling once within a year

In case of natural disasters like typhoons or earthquakes causing transportation disruptions, we follow official announcements from the government on the day of the event

  • 訂金保留,半年內一次為限


Deposit retained, limited to rescheduling once within six months

For personal rescheduling, we regret that holidays and peak periods cannot be accommodated. MIRAMONTI B&B reserves the right to retain the deposit. Thank you for your understanding

  • 訂 房 者 如 不 適 合 住 宿 , 米 拉 夢 地 民 宿 有 權 拒 絕 接 待

MIRAMONTI B&B reserves the right to refuse accommodation if the guest is deemed unsuitable