MIRAMONTI 是義大利文看見山的地方。
從一片荒蕪 ,我們一家人花時間與耐心,創建我們的夢想家園。
米嬤,無 意 間 購 買 這 塊 土 地,
米爸,設 計 自 建 夢 想 的 房 子,
米媽,經 營 與 管 理 牧 場 生 活。
這片土地,讓我們實踐兒時夢想,朝著米家夢想生活邁進 。
26歲開始 :米爸,設計與自建夢想房子。米媽,經營與管理牧場生活。
以終為始、做好做大、做深也做廣 ,三大核心理念,傳遞「土地 永續 經營 」為目標。
讓旅人明白,我們在米拉夢地:經營民宿的願景、土地連結的使命 、理想生活的方式。
過程中,我們共創記憶與回憶,未來,希望 MIRAMONTI米拉夢地能邁向 -「台灣 百年民宿」。
MIRAMONTI is Italian for “a place with a view of the mountains.” Over the years, as the neighbors’ trees grew taller, MIRAMONTI transformed from a place with a view of the mountains to a place with a view of dreams.
From a barren land, our family spent time and patience creating our dream home. MIRAMONTI-nana accidentally bought this plot of land. MIRAMONTI-papa designed and built the dream house. MIRAMONTI-mama manages and runs the farm life. We raised three wild children on this land, nurturing a group of beloved farm animals.
Moving from the city to settle in Shoufeng, Hualien, was all about seeking a better living environment and quality of life. We believe that building our dream house and living our dream life is achievable for everyone. The motivation for the MIRAMONTI family to wake up every day comes from the cyclical lifestyle and regular, ordinary life. This land allows us to fulfill childhood dreams and move towards the dream life of the MIRAMONTI family.
At the age of 26, it all began: MIRAMONTI-papa designed and built the dream house. MIRAMONTI-mama managed and ran the farm life.
We manage a home that turns dreams into reality, choosing to host only one group of travelers each night. Sharing our journey, the MIRAMONTI family’s life philosophy: Designing the desired living environment, creating a lifestyle of longevity, and moving towards the ideal life in our hearts. We also share the life missions and stories of different stages, from meeting, getting to know each other, accompanying each other, and finally joining hands together: With the three core principles of “starting with the end in mind, doing well, growing big, going deep and wide,” We aim to convey the goal of “sustainable land management.”
To let travelers understand, here at MIRAMONTI: We have a vision for running the homestay, a mission connected to the land, and a way of life that embodies our ideals.
Throughout this journey, the MIRAMONTI family and our guests have accompanied each other, traversing various stages of life. Along the way, we have created memories and reminisced together. In the future, we hope that MIRAMONTI米拉夢地 can evolve into a “century-old homestay” in Taiwan.